Active School Week
Run, Jump, Skip, Play,
Lets exercise everyday!
Lets exercise everyday!
Active Homework
Throughout the month of June all classes had Active Homework for their homework rather than written work. Everyone really enjoyed this homework and were physically active everyday.
Active School Week Timetable
We had many great activities planned for Active School Week. Our Active School Committee along with 5th and 6th class helped in organising the process ensuring we had activities planned for every day during Active Week. We put in a great effort to ensure we were physically active all week and bringing activity into other lessons where possible. We distributed a timetable to each class so everyone would know what was happening. The timetable was also on our Active School Noticeboard.
Active Break
Everyday during active week every class ensured to have an active break for ten minutes. Different resources were used to help the classes complete their active breaks such as GoNoodle and Just Dance.
Maths Trails
On the Tuesday of Active Week every class completed a Maths trail around the school for their Maths lesson. The trails were designed by the teachers and were based around the school. The children loved walking around and doing their Maths outside while being physically active.
Outdoor Lessons
To make use of the nice weather, the teachers tried to bring as many lessons as they could outside during the week. Everyone made a huge effort to keep active as much as possible during the week. Here are some pictures of First and Second Class completing an active lesson outside.
Fifth and Sixth Class took a break from lessons inside to play a game of rounders.
Teddy Bears Picnic
On the Wednesday of Active Week the Junior and Senior Infants had a Teddy Bears Picnic. The pupils all brought in their favourite teddy bear and went out for a picnic on the pitch. We also invited the children from the creche who will be starting school with us in September. After the picnic the children played some games together. The children all loved the day.
Annual Sports Day
To finish our first ever Active Week, we had a whole school fun Sports Day on the Thursday. Two pupils from Sixth Class took the responsibility of helping to organise the events and stations while the entire of Fifth and Sixth Class helped ensured the smooth running of activities. The pupils in Fifth and Sixth Class took charge of the different stations and ensured that everyone stayed physically active all the time. Many fun events were organised for the day. These included: obstacle races, parachute games, long puck, hit the target, penalties, three leg race, sack race, wheel barrow race, egg and spoon race, wellie throw, clothes race, sprints and long kick. Take a look at some of the pictures from the day below.
Hip Hop
We were delighted that we got a taster session with a local Hip Hop teacher. Unfortunately due to timing we were unable to have the session during Active Week, instead having it just before Active Week. Despite this the children loved the session and learned some new dance moves.